Gimiwan Dustin Burnette
Gimiwan Dustin BurnetteExecutive Director
Gimiwan is from Cass Lake, Minnesota and is a veteran Ojibwe language immersion teacher who taught grades K-1 at Niigaane in Leech Lake and grades 3-5 at Waadookodaading Ojibwe Language Institute in Lac Courte Orielles. Gimiwan has been assisting other Ojibwe language immersion programs with curriculum, material, and staff development for several years. He was a recipient of the 2021 Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship, which has been a major contributor to the development of the Midwest Indigenous Immersion Network and the continuation of assisting Ojibwe language immersion programs. Gimiwan is also a subject matter expert for Rosetta Stone Ojibwe.
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Ogimaabinesiikwe Lisa Clemens
Ogimaabinesiikwe Lisa ClemensExecutive Assistant
Ogimaabinesiikwe is sturgeon clan from the Turtle Mountain Reservation. She grew up on the east side of St. Paul, Minnesota until her early teen years when her family moved to Hayward, Wisconsin where she continues to reside today. Ogimaabinesiikwe is a former Ojibwe immersion teacher at Waadookodaading Ojibwe Language Institute. She is best known for her musical talents and was the Music Director at Waadookodaading for several years. She is also known as “Ojibwe Teacher Lisa” on social media and youtube. Ogimaabinesiikwe has almost twenty years of experience in education. She has been the assistant, the teacher, and the teacher trainer. She truly understands the importance of each role and is passionate about supporting all of them. She serves as the executive assistant at MIIN.
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